Milliamps to Amps (mA to A) Conversion Calculator


Amps Result:

mA / 1,000 =

0.00 A

Conversion formula: A = mA / 1,000


Ampere is the base unit of electrical current in the international system of units (SI unit). It represents the rate at which electrical charge flows through an electric conductor.

An older definition describes one ampere as the constant current at which two parallel conductors with infinite length will produce a force equal to 0.2 μN/m between them.


Milliampere is a merger of two words milli and ampere. While we know ampere, milli is one of many metric prefixes used to represent ampere in a desired magnitude. It equals one thousandth (⅟1000).

Milliampere is one thousandth ampere. In other words, to convert milliampere to ampere (mA to A) divide by 1000 or multiply by ⅟1000.

How to Convert Milliamperes to Amperes (mA to A)

To convert mA to A, multiply the value of mA by one thousandth (1/1000).

For instance, to convert 1 mA to A, we can do this:

1 mA = 1 x 1/1000 A = 1/1000 A = 0.001 A

A second way to convert milliamps to amps involves mA getting divided by 1000.

So, to convert 35 mA to A:

35 mA = 35/1000 A = 0.035 A

Why Should We Convert Milliamps to Amps (mA to A)?

We should convert milliampere to ampere when calculating an electrical quantity whose measurement units depend on ampere (the SI base unit of electric current). If we don’t, our calculations would be inaccurate.

When calculating power for instance, using milliampere and volts as our measurement units will make our result a thousand times less than it should be.

Say we have a 24 V solar panel with an amperage of 100 milliampere. Calculating the solar panel size as Power = 24 x 100 = 2400 W would be wrong because 1 W = 1 VA (volt-amps), not 1 VmA (volt-milliamperes).

So, for accuracy, we must convert milliampere to ampere. Conversion also applies when adding different units (mA and A) together.

When testing devices for current, testing instruments like ammeter, multimeter, and galvanometer do not always exclusively measure milliamperes. Some simultaneously measure in amps, so mA to A conversion may not always be necessary.

Why Milliamp Is Used Instead of Ampere?

Instruments used for smaller measurements measure units of electric current in mA because if they report units in amperes, their sensitivity range may miss the reading.

Milliamps to Amps (mA to A) Conversion Chart



1 mA

0.001 A

5 mA

0.005 A

10 mA

0.01 A

50 mA

0.05 A

100 mA

0.1 A

500 mA

0.5 A

1000 mA

1 A

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