Watts to Volts (W to V) Conversion Calculator

W / A =
0.00 Volts
Conversion formula: V = W / A
What is Watts?
Watts, W is the unit of electric power. It is a measure of energy usage or generation per hour.
What is Volts?
Volts, V is the unit of voltage (also known as electrical pressure or potential difference). It is a measure of the force required to move electrons round a closed electrical circuit under a certain amount of resistance.
How to Convert Watts to Volts (W to V)?
Watts to Volts Conversion Formula for DC Circuits
Converting watts to DC volts is simple when we know the current (amps) of the circuit. Since power, P equals volts, V multiplied by current, A:
P = V x A (1)
To convert W to V, all we have to do is divide watts by amps:
volts = watts/amps (2)
Two 5-amp solar panels connected in series produce 240 watts together, what’s the total voltage of the circuit?
Since the panels are in series, we do not have to sum their individual currents to calculate amps.
So, power, p = 240 watts and current = 5 amps, therefore voltage would be:
= 240/5 = 48 volts.
W to V Formula for AC Circuits
AC circuits experience significant reactance, so the power actively used within an AC circuit is a fraction of the power getting to the circuit. This fraction is represent by a variable called power factor, pf.
power factor = real power (active power) ÷ apparent power (3)
So, when converting W to V for an AC circuit, we’ll have to enter power factor for accuracy. If we don’t enter power factor, we’ll overestimate.
Let’s make real power the subject of (3):
real power = pf x apparent power (4)
apparent power = rms voltage x p current x c (5)
(4) becomes:
real power = pf x rms voltage x rms current flow x c (6)
where c represents a constant.
AC Single Phase Watts to volts Conversion Formula
To derive the formula to convert watts to volts for a single-phase AC circuit, we’ll make voltage the subject of (6):
voltage = real power/(pf x current x c) (7)
For a single-phase circuit, c = 1, so (7) becomes:
voltage = real power/(pf x current) (8)
We can rewrite (8) as:
volts = watts/(pf x amps) (9)
Basically, a watts to volts calculator does its conversion by dividing watts by pf and the phase current (amps).
A single-phase outlet has a pf of 0.85, current of 12 amps, and power, p of 2000 watts. What’s its voltage?
volts = 2000/(0.85 x 12)
= 196 volts
AC Three-phase Watts to Line to Neutral Voltage Formula
For a three-phase circuit, when calculating L-N voltage, c = 3. So, (7) becomes:
voltage = real power/(pf x current x 3) (10)
We can rewrite (10) as:
volts = watts/(pf x amps x 3) (11)
So, when doing a three-phase AC circuit conversion, a watts to L-N volts calculator divides watts by pf, the phase current (amps), and 3.
What’s the L-N volt of a three-phase AC circuit with pf of 0.8, wattage of 8600 watts, and current of 15 amps?
volts = 8600/(0.8 x 15 x 3)
= 238.9 volts
AC Three-phase W to Line to Line Voltage Formula
When calculating line to line voltage for a three-phase circuit calculation, c = √3. So, (7) becomes:
voltage = real power/(pf x current x √3) (12)
We can rewrite (12) as:
volts = watts/(pf x amps x √3) (13)
So, when doing a three-phase AC circuit conversion for line to neutral voltage, a watts to volts conversion calculator divides watts by pf, the phase current (amps), and √3.
What’s the L-L volt of a 3-phase AC circuit that has a pf of 0.88, a current of 30 amps, and wattage of 15,900 watts?
volts = 15900/(0.88 x 30 x √3)
= 348 volts
Watts to Volts Conversion Chart for DC Circuits
Wattage | Voltage at 10 amp | Voltage at 12 amp | Voltage at 15 amps | Voltage at 20 amps |
12 | 1.2 | 1 | 0.8 | 0.6 |
24 | 2.4 | 2 | 1.6 | 1.2 |
48 | 4.8 | 4 | 3.2 | 2.4 |
60 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
120 | 12 | 10 | 8 | 6 |
240 | 24 | 20 | 16 | 12 |
480 | 48 | 40 | 32 | 24 |